We are a reflection of the success achieved by our clients.

At TRAAD, each job is individualized and not based on commissions. Our priority will always be you and your assets.
Traad stories
As the executive director of a multinational company, Marcelo didn't have time to take care of his investments. But with TRAAD, it was possible to prioritize your financial life and plan your future family more safely and without affecting your routine.
Luciana came to us looking for a more complete service for her investments. In addition to TRAAD's exclusive service, she soon noticed the positive impact of the exemption from fees that are normally charged by brokerage firms and investment advisors.
To start investing from scratch, Dr. Juliana wanted to take her first step together with TRAAD, ensuring the security she sought to understand her investor profile and devise the best strategies, without the commercial bias of banks and brokerage firms.
Guilherme is an experienced businessman and investor, but he is not available to constantly monitor his assets. For this reason, today he consider TRAAD as his right arm to optimize the investment portfolio with total expertise and continuous monitoring.
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